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The Keepers of the Leys 

Members of Ley Love Down who work remotely or in the field are known as "The Keepers of the Leys" or "Keepers".


The idea for the name comes from the book "The Three Waves of Volunteers and the New Earth" by Dolores Cannon.  Chapter 31 of the book is called "Keepers of the Grid".  In this Chapter, Dolores Cannon interviews a lady called Joan under hypnosis and speaks to her higher self.  Joan has asked for the interview as she wants to know why she is fascinated by Crystals.  In the interviews Joans higher self says this:


"She doesn't know that she's doing it, but there's a bigger plan to be enacted.  It's to begin to work consciously with the grids and identify and activate these portals and key nodes on energy grids and re-stimulate their activation.  This can be done through placing crystals or working with intention".


This is the work that we do here at Ley Love Down.


She goes on to say:


"Plant your feet on the earth and hold the crystal and ask for others to assist.  And in activating the grids the crystals will act as an intermediary between the etheric grids which have been established and the Earth grids we're attempting to reactivate.  So by holding the crystals while anchored to the earth, the human vessel becomes the link between the etheric grid and the Earth grids that we're trying to repair".


We could also interpret that we are the crystals given that we are all starting to anchor into our Crystalline bodies.


The author says later in the Chapter:


"During this session I discovered another group that have come: 10,000 Keepers of the Grid.  They are here for a different purpose, to restore damage done to the grids of the Earth by the destruction of Atlantis.  To bring them back into balance.  They are also here to discover and access the hidden knowledge that was placed within the crystals.  It is very valuable knowledge that has been waiting for this special time to be revealed once again".


On reading this it seemed clear to us that the people called to join Ley Love Down are these Keepers.  We do not mean Keepers as in people who take possession of an hold.  We mean Keepers who are worthy custodians of something of value which needs to be looked after.




There is a story in the biography of Tim Collins (Rules of Engagement) who commanded an Infantry Battle Group in the Second Gulf War which we will share as it illustrates this point.  Collin came across as Commonwealth War Grave of British Soldiers who had fought in Iraq during the First World War.  On hearing he was there the local people sent 2 men from the same family to see him.  They brought with them a book which had the details of all the men in that grave.  The booked dated from when the graves had been dug and it had been hidden from the Secret Police.  Men had been tortured to get that book but the people charged with its' keeping had not budged. 


They were worthy Keepers.  As we will be.


If you have been moved to come to this movement then you are likely one of the 10,000 and you are now a Keeper of the Leys.


Remember to talk to your families about your work.  Being a Keeper is something that is passed down through the generations so that we never, ever, have to do this again.


Go well in your work and remember, when we're done, THEY are done.

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