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The Mission

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Grand risings, beautiful souls, light workers and all waves of the great awakening.

You are welcome, friend.

It is time to rise.

The Song - "Time To Rise"


Time To Rise



Ley Love Down


Where they cross


In the morning


It is Time to Rise


When we're done


They are done.



What are we trying to do?

The Ley Love Down Project was founded by Rachel Vaughan and Ben Hawkes.  It is a world collective of old souls dedicated to a simple proposition:

Save The Ley Lines, Save The World.

Ley Lines are the energy channels of the earth which cross to create her meridians, or Chakras.  These are sacred places of great power it is no coincidence that they have been utilised by humans with agendas to keep the souls of the earth in darkness.

Ley Love Down will take back the ley lines and chakras of the world from those who have utilised rituals to program them with misery for millennia. 


We are recruiting an army of light souls to unite within the leys to bring in frequencies of harmony, love, freedom, health, & prosperity for all life on Earth.

It is time to rise, when we're done, they are done.


Get Involved

Our mission is:  save the ley lines, save the world.  We have groups in the UK, Australia and New Zealand currently.  We need old souls, light workers, and all waves to comes together and raise the vibration all over the world.



Spread The Word



Find out as much as you can about Ley Lines and Sacred Sites local to you.  Find out where ley lines run and were they cross. 



get out into nature and see these places with your own eyes.  Get to the crossings of leys in your area and get on top of them and feel the energy beneath your feet!


The mission of Ley Love Down is to charge the earths ley network with high vibration.  We mean joy!  Get on to target sites and sing.  You can use the Ley Love Down song "Time To Rise" or whatever you like.  Make it happy, make it joyful.  Get out into nature together and sing!

This is a big task and we need as many people to spread the world.  Please do help out where you can and amplify and share our message on our socials whenever you can.

Get in Touch

We need all light workers, old souls and all waves to answer the call and help us on our mission!  Get in touch today! 

Thanks for submitting!

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