The Ley Love Down Project
Save the Ley Lines, Save the World
A Message from Rachel Vaughan - Co Founder of the Ley Love Down Project

Save the ley lines, save the world
Balance the leys with positive energy i.e. LOVE
Dark Energy is Transmuted to LIGHT

What Are We Doing?
Ley Lines are the energy channels of the earth which cross to create her meridians, or Chakras. These are sacred places of great power it is no coincidence that they have been utilised by some humans to keep the souls of the earth in darkness.
Ley Love Down will take back the ley lines and chakras of the world from those who have utilised rituals to program them with misery for millennia.
We are recruiting an army of Keepers of the Leys to unite within the leys to bring balance through frequencies of harmony, love, freedom, health, & prosperity for all life on Earth.
JOIN THE 12:12
EVERY WEEK: Join the 12:12: Weekly Ley Line Power Up with Ley Love Down!
What We’re Doing: Every Thursday at 12:12 PM (your local time), we invite you to take just 5 minutes to send positive energy and intent to heal and balance the ley lines of our planet.
How to Participate: Whether you join us individually or in a group, remotely or on-site, your intention can create a ripple of love and light across the world.
Our resource page provides information on all things ley lines, including informative videos and interviews, books and other resources for Keepers to use to help fulfil our mission.
Get In Touch
Do you feel the call to become a Keeper of the Leys? We need all light workers, old souls and all waves to answer the call and help us on our mission! Get in touch today!